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Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England, recognising their commitment to high quality arts and cultural education.

As an Artsmark partner, The Spark is proud to be supporting schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey – inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and culture.

How we can support you

We offer education settings who are working towards, or currently hold an Artsmark Award, with a range of opportunities.

Through a multitude of cultural education based projects, and as key partners of the local Cultural Education Partnership, The Spark aligns its activity with the Artsmark Framework during all planning and evaluation phases, ensuring a high quality in depth learning that pushes boundaries.

Activity can range from teacher CPD to ten-week artist led projects, here is an overview of opportunities:

  • Creativity Council Scheme – Pupil Voice
  • Spark Festival Show at your School
  • Artist in residence (poet, musician, makers)
  • Cultural Education CPD for teachers and educators
  • Multi art form including poetry, drama, music and craft
  • Cross curricular working to enable creativity across the school
  • Arts Award Supporters and Advisers

Find out more

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