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Keep exploring

Children and families

Whether they’re watching a theatre show, making music or making art, we offer plenty of immersive and creative moments that make children go, “wow”. And, for early years, our Toddler Time and ‘Stay and Play’ sessions at Children’s Centres and libraries will help your little ones develop skills, confidence, and creativity through play!

Schools and learning

Our education programmes take place all year round, and we work closely with places of learning to create these programmes together. We offer exciting events and shows which tour to schools, ArtsAward partnerships, ‘Creativity Councils’, and training for teachers who want creativity to be at the heart of their lessons.

Artists and industry

If you’re an artist or creative professional, we offer regular training and development events that kindle your creative spark! For artists, opportunities include fundraising support, commissioning, and residencies. And for creative professionals, there are plenty of training events taking place at the Spark Festival and online.

The Spark Festival

Every year we co-create a unique festival for children and families that takes place in Leicester. It includes performances by world-class artists, workshops and activities, and takeover events across Leicester. The Spark Festival invites you to have fun, be curious, and be creative. There’s something for everybody!